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Sunday, May 1st 2011 : "VERA, the moment of truth"
We've been waiting for a transmission date for VERA for so long now that I can hardly believe that it'll be happening tonight. I'd been hoping for violent storms or freezing drizzle to keep people at home in front of their televisions and I'm probably one of the few people to wake up disappointed by a sunny bank holiday!
Since the transmission date was announced ten days ago Brenda and David have been tireless in promoting the series. From Paul O'Grady to Daybreak and Terry Wogan to Radio 4's Front Row, they've been talking about the show to the media. They obviously have a personal interest in VERA doing well, but I think that it's more than that. From the beginning, everyone involved in the project has been committed to the characters, the stories and more especially to the region where it's set. We all hope that ITV will commission another series to develop the relationships between the central figures and to explore new storylines. The team wants to be back in Northumberland in the summer, filming this fatastic part of the country and showing it to the world.

It was appropriate then that the publicity push ended with a screening at the beautiful Tyneside Cinema in Newcastle. I'd been expecting a small press launch - something similar was held in London a month ago. In fact, the event organised by Northern Film and Media, was a fantastic affair. We filled the big auditorium, the press was out in force and Brenda, David and Elaine Collins, who produced the final three episodes, made the trek up from London. There was a huge cheer as the stars entered the stage for a brief discussion chaired by Michael Chaplin (famous in his own right as a writer and producer of popular television). Brenda and David went into the circle for the start of the screening to gauge the audience reaction and came out satisfied.
So now there's nothing more that we can do. The previews have been good and the show has been well trailed. We just have to wait for the the ratings. If you like a traditional detective story, with interesting and original characters, brilliant acting (and a leading man with Hollywood good looks), then do tune in this evening. Sunday 8.00pm-10pm ITV1. And if you miss it tonight, watch it next week. Each episode forms its own story and the series just gets better over the four weeks.
Posted by Ann at 11:26 AM GMT