Scroll the map to see all the places where the books are set.

Visit Shetland have prepared a guide to help you explore the Shetland islands in the footsteps of Jimmy Perez; they have very kindly allowed us to reproduce their map, showing some of the central locations of Ann Cleeves' books. Move your cursor over the map for more information. (Or see Visit Shetland's Jimmy Perez pages!)
Ravenswick, the invented scene of much of the action of Raven Black, lies on the coast south from Lerwick (in real life, the area known as Sandwick). Although the Herring House Gallery in White Nights owes much to the real life Bonhoga Gallery, Biddista is a long way north west - in the approximate location of Hillswick. Red Bones takes Jimmy Perez's assistant Sandy Wilson home to the island of Whalsay. And the original Quartet ends with Jimmy's return to his native Fair Isle in Blue Lightning.
Dead Water marks a new departure for Jimmy Perez: when a body is discovered at Aith Marina, the new power of water conflicts with the established power of oil.
Thin Air takes him to Shetland's most northerly inhabited island, Unst - then Cold Earth returns to Ravenswick.
Finally, Wild Fire is set in Deltaness, an invented village in Northmavine.